Monthly Archives: February 2012

Dynamic Characters 3


This is by far my favorite character and movie. “My Best Friend’s Wedding,” which Julian Potter (Julia Roberts) stars in has a very confusing plot. She loves her best friend, but he finds someone else. At first, her heart broke into pieces. She flew out to him, pretended to be okay. Then, she pretended to be his fiance’s friend, which she wasn’t: trying to break them up. Later, she comes out with the truth; however, she goes back to him and tries to take her away and puts this mask in front of her. Very Dynamic. 

Dynamic Characters 2


Nemo’s father, Marlin, is also a dynamic character. He loses his only kid, and he goes to the deep end, a place who would never go to! Then he has a lot of fear following his son. However, as the movie ends, he manages to be brave and face sharks, swordfish, and jelly fish. Later on, he gets adventurous and climbs on a turtles back and trusts him to take him to his son. He’s very dynamic, subtly. 

Dynamic Characters


I chose Dr. Buddy Rydell (Jack Nicholson)  from “Anger Management” because I thought he was beyond a dynamic character! First of all, he’s the calm guy who does no wrong. Secondly, he turns out to be the therapist for angry people, THEN he also turns out to be one of the angriest men in the world! (As you can see in the pic that i’ve posted.)

Digital or Reality?


Honestly, I do not think Facebook is negative for so many reasons. First of all, it lets you keep in close touch with your friends and families that are a millions miles of you, by updating their statuses (where they are, what they are doing/did, how they feel, etc). In addition, it lets you meet other people that you wouldn’t be able to in reality because of the time difference, for example, or for the business throughout the day, so you would leave a message. Also, if one uses Facebook in a correct way, not posting bad photos, it would be very easy and fun. Some might argue that it causes a person to cut all communications in reality, which I believe is not true at all. Just because one communicates online doesn’t mean he’s going to be mute in reality and not say a word and Facebook message someone sitting right next to him at the dinner table. Facebook has amazing news update. You can add CNN or Fox News as your friend on Facebook and be constantly updated on the news that is going on around the world. Facebook just helps us get in touch more with the world.

My Own World Essay


Saad Al Sabah

Ms. Conlon

Writer Workshop

Feb 16, 2012


“Oh look at him, his parents got him a G class Mercedes for his 18th birthday,” they say behind my back. Is this the first time I hear that? Not really. I heard it so many times before. Does it affect me? Not really. I don’t let them get under my skin that way because they don’t know anything about my parents or me. People like to judge based on what they see, without knowing the reasons behind it.

Back in the 1920’s, there was a man called Mubarak Al Sabah, who took over Kuwait with a group of his comrades, bringing life into this tiny country by trading and making good connections with it’s neighbors. He used to dive in into the ocean and retrieve pearls from the bottom, which was very risky due to the wavy seas and the sands that kick up from the sea’s ground.  Mubarak had children, one of them, my great grandparent, whole rules today. From Mubarak’s day to the Amir’s day, Kuwait has been through 2 major wars, which almost caused us destruction, but they managed to stick by their country and fight for it. They have a lot of rights to lavish themselves after this difficult journey. However, do the people support that? Not so much. People are selfish and greedy. Unfortunately, no matter how much good you do, it’s not good enough for them. What’s a man to do?

  Furthermore, they do it with this generation too, my generation. People talk about my car, watches, outgoings, and etc. What bothers me the most is that sometimes it’s my cousins, my own flesh and blood. They don’t get what I get because they don’t put the effort like I do. Little do they know that my mom wouldn’t let me leave school on the weekends if she sees a C on my report card or if she hears about any misbehavior in school. I’ve never drank nor done drugs, things my parents asked me to stay away from due to my religion and upbringing. It’s not easy to be in the states and get away from these things easily, so it took a lot of will power and effort. Planes and yachts don’t just fall down out of the sky for us. My great ancestors had no money at all before, back in the 1920’s. They were so poor that that they used to hand down clothes: they couldn’t afford anything other than food. Who would of knew that the rulers of Kuwait had this in the past? Well, that’s how it was. Until today, we work hard. My mother founded the American University of Kuwait, a liberal college in Kuwait, which was needed in Kuwait. Of course, people talked and said that she just did that for the attention, which is ridiculous, if only they knew her personally, and why would she pay for a university that is non profit to her from her own pocket money? Good things don’t usually happen to people who do bad things and have malevolent intentions.

            There’s nothing we can do about people who envy and despise your hard work and accomplishments because that’s the way the world is today. We try to change it, but it changes us. I believe that one should lavish himself from the accomplishments he made, as long as it does not hurt anybody. 

Introduction: This I Believe… My own world.


“Oh look at him, his parents got him a G class Mercedes for his 18th birthday,” they say behind my back. Is this the first time I heart that? Not really. I heard it so many times before. Does it affect me? Not really. I don’t let them get under my skin that way because they don’t know anything about my parents or me. People like to judge based on what they see, without knowing the reasons behind it. Little do they know that my mom wouldn’t let me leave school on the weekends if she sees a C on my report card or misbehavior in school. I’ve never drank nor done drugs, things my parents asked me to stay away from due to my religion and upbringing. It’s not easy to be in the states and get away from these things easily, so it took a lot of will power and effort. Planes and yachts don’t just fall down from the sky for us. My great ancestors had no money at all before, back in the 1920’s. They were so poor that that they used to hand down clothes: they couldn’t afford anything other than food. Who would of knew that the rulers of Kuwait had this in the past? Well, that’s how it was. Until today, we work hard. My mother founded the American University of Kuwait, a liberal college in Kuwait, which was needed in Kuwait. Of course, people talked and said that she just did that for the attention, which is ridiculous, if only they knew her personally, and why would she pay for a university that is non profit to her from her own pocket money? I believe that one should enjoy his accomplishments as long as they don’t hurt anyone around them and ignore the people who don’t understand. 

Most meaningful experience.


It wasn’t part of the plan at all for me to be here. I mean, even now, looking at my situation and where I am…it stills shocks. It’s just literally out of nowhere. I would have to say that the best experience I have ever had was coming to the Winchendon School, a college prep school in the middle of nowhere. I had the opportunity to go to Cushing, but I remained here because I made some pretty cool friends, who I did not want to leave. Not only that, I really like the way Winchendon rolls with the whole 8 students per class and sleep ins. However, the only thing I do not like is the whole “1’s” for the week and staying on campus, which I rarely get, thankfully. Before coming to the school, I took a lot of things for granted and did not open my eyes to the world and saw everything and reality. Mom told me that this would be a good decision become I would gain so much experience from dealing with different kinds of people from all over the world and another culture/society. She was right of course, mother knows all. Also, before coming to the Winch, I was always shy and nervous about everything, I had somewhat of an anxiety problem. The first months I was here, it still remained with me, which sucked. Although I hated it, I managed to work with it and deal with it. With time, luckily, it started to disappear, which was a relief to me. Moreover, I started to become way more social with all different kinds of people, who I never thought I would be friends with because we completely come from different worlds. In addition, it most importantly made me appreciate my parents and my maids to be honest, they work so hard for me, although I appreciated what they did, I did not appreciate it enough to the point where I want to do my thing on my own and let them do their own thing alone, so they don’t have to stress about themselves and myself. My friends here made me feel so down to earth at times. They told me about how they work at such a young age and how it feels, which was a slap to my face because I thought it was only in movies where kids work. I didn’t really know that kids here actually work to pay their college tuition. It just impressed me big time and made me look at the world differently. I’d like to write way more, but I don’t have all the information because my experiencing of this land isn’t done yet, not even close.

“This I believe” NPR Essay Reviews:


“I Am Still The Greatest” by Muhammad Ali.

– The title really inspired me because I wanted to know what was behind all that confidence of man saying things like that. The most part that inspired me was when he said “I never thought of the possibility of failing.” So much confidence and optimism. Also, “My will was stronger than their skills.” Basically, if there’s a will, there’s a way. He also had Parkinson’s disease, which took the life of someone close to me a few years ago, but Muhammed managed to hold the torch in the Olympics, which is when he realized that is he remains the greatest.

“Finding Freedom In Forgiveness” by Ronald Cotton and Jennifer Thompson-Cannino.

– I chose this essay because I believe in the title too, having past experiences that dealt with this issue. I thought it was amazing how after 11 years Jennifer decided to talk to Ronald, and he just forgave her like nothing happened, like she hadn’t tramped his innocent reputation, sent him to prison, and blaming the wrong person. I have a lot of respect for them for forgiving each other in situations like this when today’s generation wouldn’t forgive one another if someone was talked about behind his/hers back.

“Work Is A Blessing” by Russell Honore

– The title definitely intrigued me because my father, so does his father, told me that working is a blessing. Read the rest of this entry